"Are mobile phones wiping out our bees? Scientists claim radiation from handsets are to blame for mysterious 'colony collapse' of bees.”
This is an example of what I call “Asymmetrical Human Engineering” -- creating massive “sea changes” that can result in quantitatively massive results. To do this -- without having your plans detected -- requires “strategies” that are irregular,
and hence go unnoticed.
It makes complete sense that “their” operational objectives -- carried out in plain-sight -- go unnoticed by the masses. If you are part of this “team”, and, say your objective is to eliminate “1/3” of the world’s population, what are your options? How do you ratchet-up to “Biblical Proportions” without drawing attention to yourself? War? Brutality? Man-made catastrophes?
You go after the “nail” . . . as in “For want of a nail the kingdom was lost.” You do this because you and your cohorts are well aware -- and the masses are not -- that the Butterfly Effect is in fact true. If you find the “right nail” in ANY system, and you extract it, you will collapse the entire system, and it will look as if this was a natural (read not engineered on purpose) occurrence.
Even though you can readily find out, say what bees do, and how critical they are to the propagation and maintenance of our food system, we have been entrained not to do that. We will accept, and yes, demand, the wide-spread use of genetically engineered “food.” We will do anything in order to eat. And whatever is provided, we will gladly consume.
In the ol Hegelian construct, having the public demand genetically-engineered food has been the desired synthesis. And yes, there will be masses who will not be able to get to the new food in time. Those living outside the sphere of influence -- the untouchables -- will be left on their, as per design.
Asymmetrical Human Engineering has many applications, and requires very little stealth. It is done right in front of us -- just look up at the sky. It is also being implemented in the world of the Patriots and Survivalist. The Second Amendment folk. You don’t have go through the tedium experienced by the Nazis to disarm the people, to take their guns away. Simply restrict, then eliminate the flow (the nail) of the material that goes into the ordinance required for the guns to have any effectiveness.
The first book I ever read of B.F. Skinner’s stated quite openly the objective of what is now known as “Social Psychology.” (originally known as Human then Social Engineering). To paraphrase: It is not enough to have the subjects desire the conditioning. The subjects have to want, desire, then demand their conditioning, even to the death.
And, that’s where we are today. We are at war with anyone or anything that gets in the way of our conditioning. We will demand EXACTLY what our conditioners want us to demand. Simply read the newspapers to keep score as to how successful our modification is going.