So a bunch of "folks"(as POTUS would
characterize), riding around in (mostly) Toyota pickups (law suit potential or
product-placement), in really cool ninja costumes, with Batman belts loaded
with all kinds of cool stuff, and who have leveraged their after-life virgins
for wads of Benjamins; and -- most importantly -- are on the receivership side
of the Milo Minderbinder (who now works out of the "intelligence"
agencies of Us & UK) largesse.
One could say that life is imitating art, but that elevates
these grade B movie plot ideas to a completely undeserved status.
Come on Net Neutrality...gotta stop all of these thinking
websites and whatevers and whatchamacallits so that we can control the virtual/sans
real battlefields. It is all about perception, not reality. People whose brains
have not been turned to mush from the med cocktails their Dr. Strangelove's
gloved-hand makes them take, the few of us remaining who are not being bombed
or droned to death before their morning second cup of coffee... though we are frozen
but meters away from the approaching headlights... We do confess that we are
amazed, dumb-founded even.
But, we are not dazzled by the rapid rapier swishes, Feints
and Balestra of these new Mongol hordes...though we have to admit we are impressed
with their costume designer. But what has any thinking person with remaining
thinking capacity most troubled is that the UK/USA populi actually believe all
of this crap.
When NET NEUTRALITY is a reality, we will see the roll-out
the next episode: ISIS ANNOUNCES JIHAD AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING -- asking (via
Tweet & FB) all young people to join them if their holy war.
And how will all the pre and post
pubescent worldwide jihadists recognize each other? It won't be a simple
bandana color (old school). It will be a
bar code tattoo. Not the mark of the beast. No. It will be the mark of the
Jihad (that all can join).
What we miss is the smell of
napalm in the morning…