How about new ground rules for the selection of our House of Representatives ? No more special interests, no more big business determining our fate, no more PACS and all their money-with-strings-attached.
Section. 2. Clause 1, of the US Constitution states:
"The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature."
We the People, via state referendum, can agree to choose the 435 members of the House of Representatives as we damn well please. And, what is the way that would be absolutely non-partisan, and the way that cannot be readily compromised?!
We choose our Representative the same way that jurors are chosen for court duty -- by lottery. Becoming a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives becomes a civic DUTY, not an inroad to wealth and power. The benefits (i.e., great salary and perks) still remain. But, after tenure, there is a mandatory retirement, and a new member, unattached to ANY K Street group, agenda or preconceived ideology is chosen to represent his/her neighbors.
Simple and doable.
Do you propose that a list of eligible candidates be drawn up, who will all be entered into the lottery draw? Representing the people does require some measure of skill and expertise - ideally.
A non discrimating lottery, whereby any US citizen could be "lottorized" :-) to fullfil the management of a country, may inevitably render a once-off (or more frequent) result of barely literate members of Parlement.
Would America then be a lottocracy?
Representing the People, from what one can gather in the observation of the Houses of Congress over the last 5 decades, requires no skill at all.
In fact, if someone up there had any skill at all in "representing the actual People", they'd stand out like a sore thumb and probably be dragged out and shot as an infiltrator.
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