To look back on the McCarty era with fondness may seem to be oxymoronic. The negative guffawing about commies-in-the-woodpile went beyond the pale, but one thing was quite apparent then, that you don't see today: government employees took their oath of allegiance (to the Constitution) quite seriously. "... just following orders" no longer had any currency. The Nuremberg Trials were in recent memory, and the weight of the massive loss of WW II still left that cordite taste in everyone's mouth.
But today, the Land of the Aquisitor and Home of the Expedient is embarrassing to behold and leaves one squeamish to live within it. It is being legislated and executed by a breed of larvae that usually never make it into the light of day. And, the reason that this larvae slithered past the natural insecticides (checks and balances) is all of our faults. How to get rid of the problem, though, lies squarely on the shoulders of the US armed forces personnel! Yes, the voting process is corrupted, the media is corrupted and the populi appear to be narcotized. There is no one else who can right this.
Historically, the military, taking all they could stand, would squash the bugs-in-our-midst, and be done with it. Where are they now? Why have they fallen in with this creeping crud of aggrandizement? You can find them at the Army Navy Country Club sipping mint juleps talking about the good ole days. Or spending time with their financial consultants making sure that they won't lose their second home down on the Bay, if the citizens get tired of having to eat cake. They have become infected with the pandemic that always tails along with the larvae when it manages to ooze out into the light.
The reason that the US of A is so badly cluster-fucked is because those in and recently out-of uniform are allowing it. They are allowing it, in complete disparity to their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC!! Foreign and domestic!!
A suggestion: stop watching old John Wayne movies, take a ride through any US barrio, turn up the gangsta rap, and get angry. When banana republics and Islamic theocracies have more integrity than your own country, don’t you think it’s time to strap-on the old Hudson Duster and go after the REAL enemy of this once-fine Republic?
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