The only real freedom that exists can only be experienced in the present. Whether you feel good or bad about the past, the certainty is we can't do anything about it... except emote. In our left-brain linear thinking we look into the future just as the IRS and the Marxists do: the past indicates the patterns of the future. We are all fated by our past with only a sprinkling of environment thrown in to juice-up the statistics.
Social engineers and behaviorists have proven to their satisfaction that our human behavior is as easy to read as ... well ... lab rats. They know which bar we will push, what maze we will avoid, and which stimulus causes which conditioned result. Anything less than Chaos, the behaviorists (including any and all marketing) can give a high degree of certainty to what our responses will be to our conditioning.
And it is understood by these "scientists" that all of us with IQs over 80 firmly believe that we, as individuals, are not case-hardened in our behaviors and reactions. That we believe that we are free from being conditioned is in fact our conditioning. This delusion of individuality is nothing more than a variable in the experiment: "buy a dodge or a ford pick-up" "vote for this or that candidate" "react to this or that world event." These are all variables to determine the success rate of the particular operant conditioning.
Those in the industry of modifying our behaviors count on our belief that we have "independent thoughts and actions." They rely on our pseudo independence because they know (it has been proven)we will not look past this glass ceiling of assumed individuality. We will not look at ourselves as we really are. If our conditioning were a machine, its engine would be our infinite capacity for self delusion.
If you study Operant Conditioning (our very own Matrix), there is an axiom bordering on scientific law that holds all of our conditioning together. What makes it all work is the fact that "the most difficult thing for any living thing with a brain to do is to UNDO their conditioning."
Our masters function under the assumption that our conditioning is analogous to a perpetual motion machine. Any psych department in the last century that received generous grants almost always referenced/couched B.F. Skinner's remarks about the purpose of Behaviorism: it is not sufficient to have people and societies perform duties and react predictably, no, the purpose of Behaviorism is to have them all as slaves and have them fight to the death to maintain their slavery. Where do you think old Dr. Joe Mengele got all of his ideas?
So, how in the world is it possible for anyone to break out of this Conditioning? Given that one regards the human condition as conditioned ... If we see ourselves as we really are -- just as in the Matrix movie -- we are asking for it. We see no coinage in the proposition of freeing our souls. Most of us don't even believe we have one.
Even though our conditioning has convinced us that we are not conditioned, that we are soulless, that money is everything, that God is to be feared and worshipped ... there are elements of consciousness that behavior modification and operant conditioning cannot touch.
Every great spiritual teacher -- whose words and actions always get substantially manipulated by the conditioners -- have all said the same things. The all say to study the Cause, not the effect. Science (distorted beyond belief) has us all watching only the effect. The Cause is irrelevant to them because they do not have the measuring devices to analyze the Cause. However one does it, get to know the Cause, leave the Matrix of Effect behind for someone else to bury.
Have a nice day.
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