Hide D'em Symbols
The puppeteers do interesting
things when the cycle for "revolution" comes 'round. This time, they
decided to effeminate the astrological symbol for revolution...the once and
future planet, Pluto. This is not a promotion of hoary astrology, which Kepler
rightly described as the "music of the spheres," but more of a
snapshot of how the power effete (sic) reveres the efficacy of symbols (as do
An additional example — the denigration
of Robert E Lee's Army of Virginia Flag (the flag northerners call the Confederate
Flag, which it is not) is an example of Symbol Smearing, so that the populi do
not connect-the-dots and discover the REAL importance of this and other symbols.
The War Between the States had nothing to do with slavery, It had everything to
do with the 10th Amendment, or State's Rights and with banks of course. The puppeteers
do not want to hear bantering and blogging about August Belmont, bonds, war
profiteering...all of it. Best to play the race card and leave it at that.
Another recent Symbol kibosh was
the benching of Pluto off of the playing field of planets. If you Google
"Pluto in Capricorn" (~ 2008 - 2023) you will basically come up
with: "Pluto is, indeed, the “Great
Transformer”, and revamps, reshapes, overhauls and thus transforms whatever it
is currently impacting, it will bring this overhaul type energy to those areas
that Capricorn rules, which are:
- The economy, corporations, banking and big business.
- Government (including the “shadow”
government”), its policy, influence and actions at all levels (local, national and
- Politics and political activities (i.e.
elections, voting issues, law, etc.).
- Societal laws, rules and regulations.
- Churches and organized religion, and the
dogmas and rituals they adhere to.
- The patriarchal system in general.
Though near-babes now, these children
born with Pluto in Capricorn resonate to this "overhaul" energy, and
will take to the streets en masse…or, following isis’s lead, convert their parents’
Priuses into clown-cars jamb packed with whoopass ready to take on the world.
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