President Merkin
Sometimes the only thing that will cover it is a wig!
Thursday, December 10, 2015
ClubOrlov: The Imperial Collapse Playbook
ClubOrlov: The Imperial Collapse Playbook: [ По-русски ] [ In italiano ] [This is a rerun, which seems timely given the recent American efforts to poison relations between Turkey an...
Sunday, August 02, 2015
Hide D'em Symbols
The puppeteers do interesting
things when the cycle for "revolution" comes 'round. This time, they
decided to effeminate the astrological symbol for revolution...the once and
future planet, Pluto. This is not a promotion of hoary astrology, which Kepler
rightly described as the "music of the spheres," but more of a
snapshot of how the power effete (sic) reveres the efficacy of symbols (as do
An additional example — the denigration
of Robert E Lee's Army of Virginia Flag (the flag northerners call the Confederate
Flag, which it is not) is an example of Symbol Smearing, so that the populi do
not connect-the-dots and discover the REAL importance of this and other symbols.
The War Between the States had nothing to do with slavery, It had everything to
do with the 10th Amendment, or State's Rights and with banks of course. The puppeteers
do not want to hear bantering and blogging about August Belmont, bonds, war
profiteering...all of it. Best to play the race card and leave it at that.
Another recent Symbol kibosh was
the benching of Pluto off of the playing field of planets. If you Google
"Pluto in Capricorn" (~ 2008 - 2023) you will basically come up
with: "Pluto is, indeed, the “Great
Transformer”, and revamps, reshapes, overhauls and thus transforms whatever it
is currently impacting, it will bring this overhaul type energy to those areas
that Capricorn rules, which are:
- The economy, corporations, banking and big business.
- Government (including the “shadow”
government”), its policy, influence and actions at all levels (local, national and
- Politics and political activities (i.e.
elections, voting issues, law, etc.).
- Societal laws, rules and regulations.
- Churches and organized religion, and the
dogmas and rituals they adhere to.
- The patriarchal system in general.
Though near-babes now, these children
born with Pluto in Capricorn resonate to this "overhaul" energy, and
will take to the streets en masse…or, following isis’s lead, convert their parents’
Priuses into clown-cars jamb packed with whoopass ready to take on the world.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
So a bunch of "folks"(as POTUS would
characterize), riding around in (mostly) Toyota pickups (law suit potential or
product-placement), in really cool ninja costumes, with Batman belts loaded
with all kinds of cool stuff, and who have leveraged their after-life virgins
for wads of Benjamins; and -- most importantly -- are on the receivership side
of the Milo Minderbinder (who now works out of the "intelligence"
agencies of Us & UK) largesse.
One could say that life is imitating art, but that elevates
these grade B movie plot ideas to a completely undeserved status.
Come on Net Neutrality...gotta stop all of these thinking
websites and whatevers and whatchamacallits so that we can control the virtual/sans
real battlefields. It is all about perception, not reality. People whose brains
have not been turned to mush from the med cocktails their Dr. Strangelove's
gloved-hand makes them take, the few of us remaining who are not being bombed
or droned to death before their morning second cup of coffee... though we are frozen
but meters away from the approaching headlights... We do confess that we are
amazed, dumb-founded even.
But, we are not dazzled by the rapid rapier swishes, Feints
and Balestra of these new Mongol hordes...though we have to admit we are impressed
with their costume designer. But what has any thinking person with remaining
thinking capacity most troubled is that the UK/USA populi actually believe all
of this crap.
When NET NEUTRALITY is a reality, we will see the roll-out
the next episode: ISIS ANNOUNCES JIHAD AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING -- asking (via
Tweet & FB) all young people to join them if their holy war.
And how will all the pre and post
pubescent worldwide jihadists recognize each other? It won't be a simple
bandana color (old school). It will be a
bar code tattoo. Not the mark of the beast. No. It will be the mark of the
Jihad (that all can join).
What we miss is the smell of
napalm in the morning…
Friday, June 27, 2008
To Joe Bageant on Being a Virginian

I grew up in the Bermuda Triangle of Virginia: born and raised in Alexandria, went to Mr. Jefferson's University, and years later, with family in tow, had a delightful time trying to sell our restored farm-house on the Northern Neck. It started as a dilapidated waterfront farmhouse -- a restoration project on Mosquito Creek.
You’d think we would have caught on with the Creek name connection … Looking out over the Creek to the spit of land dotted with duck blinds, I asked the real estate agent, "What kind of name is Mosquito Creek? Anything to do with all these mosquitoes?" Our real estate agent glibly replied in that distinct rural Virginian accent, "Just rained. . . It’s an Indian name. Antipoison Creek's just there over across the road. Where John Smith was healed from the sting ray barb..."
Nothing like standing in History to take your mind off the present, eh? What is it that we can't wa(r)sh away the deep stains of Virginia so thoroughly ground into our soul? How is it that we can watch the HBO series, John Adams, and see our beloved Jefferson move about like the mute mime guy in the comedy duo of Penn and Teller ... but still hold back tears of compassionate conductivity because they were all serious about Liberty? Liberty was a life and death matter to them. What does it mean to us now?!
It seemed like farmers then were part of the vanguard, integral to a movement that could uplift the status of all mankind. And their offspring, who migrated to the cities, had a bit more of an horizon’l perspective than waiting for the next natural catastrophe so they could get a new pick-up with the insurance money.
Given the caked-mud realities of the political motivations of the electorate in rural America (i.e., we elect people who ask us to do as they say, not as they do), what is pulling me towards the Virginia mountains? To a land where my strangeness (i.e., progressiveness) would have to constantly hidden so that I wouldn’t get shorted the next time I’d buy Silver Queen corn?
Are these folk Hobbits, entrenched in their provincialism, protected from the outside world by a mental attitude that is not neutral (so they think)? Do they hide behind the wall of recent memories (one or two generations), certain that this will hold back the dark forces of Mordor? They pin their hopes on Sauron simply looking over their heads, ignoring the intrinsic wealth buried beneath them?
Friday, May 09, 2008
The Soles of our Souls Are Worn Thin

The very soles of our souls are worn thin. Holes clean through. The gangrened rag-covered feet desperately seeking warmth from the puny fires at Valley Forge serve only to remind us. "Snap out of it!" Cold images of solitude slap us on the face. And, slap us again, "Wake up! Wake up… they are coming!”
The psychopaths have worn us out. We're holding on by the skin of our souls. And you look around, The majority of our brethren hold tight to their psychopath-in-training milieu. Have they emptied their psyches of the Old Testament Imagery the array of Sodom and Gomorrahs, the Noatic flood, or the snake-made-me-do-it in the garden of Eden.
For thousands of years (that we know about), these Retardants have been busily distorting this reality. But why?
This reality, this dimension, this evolutionary platform, could very well be what these psychopaths (and the consciousness behind them) believe it is. It's their hiding place. It's Count Dracula's coffin of repose, filled with the dirt of the homeland. This is their hide-out and, as far as they are concerned, they don't want to share it.
Blind to Cause, they are at a loss as to why we are here --
and over millennia, most of us don't have a clue why we're here either. This was the falsehood we have taken on as our own.
They know the Laws of physics (resonance) work here, and they have used resonance ("Power over the Air" is the "biblical" descriptive phrase), the Nada Brahma, to create a den that Spirit/He/The One will never penetrate. But, the Cause (as dim and faint in us as to be microscopic) still has a resonance in us. They can feel and sense it in us. And, to put it mildly, they HATE It. And, hate us for carrying it. But, they are convinced they can resonate It out of us. They have the Power over the Air, they will resonate this dimension, this Hades, of any and all patterns of the Cause’s existence.
The minute handful of worn-thin souls, light-bearers some call them, huddle by the fires wherever they can find them. Resolved, like the champions of Middle Earth, to hold only to hope in this battle to the death.
But, Cause has no death. Whose fear is this? What happens when the lid to Dracula's coffin is opened in the light of day? He, and all he has bitten return to what they really are -- dust. The coffin, though, happens to encompass an entire dimension of existence. The wheat and the tares can no longer be easily separated. The wheat must learn to know itself as the energy that it truly is.
As the adherents of any true Teacher will tell you, we are not the body. We are energy beings encased in this dimensional body. As the old admonishment says, "Know thyself.” “Where your mind is, that's where you are." These words are no longer nice sayings or things to think about. They are the requisite, our tools, our ... only hope."
Friday, April 25, 2008
What Matrix?

The only real freedom that exists can only be experienced in the present. Whether you feel good or bad about the past, the certainty is we can't do anything about it... except emote. In our left-brain linear thinking we look into the future just as the IRS and the Marxists do: the past indicates the patterns of the future. We are all fated by our past with only a sprinkling of environment thrown in to juice-up the statistics.
Social engineers and behaviorists have proven to their satisfaction that our human behavior is as easy to read as ... well ... lab rats. They know which bar we will push, what maze we will avoid, and which stimulus causes which conditioned result. Anything less than Chaos, the behaviorists (including any and all marketing) can give a high degree of certainty to what our responses will be to our conditioning.
And it is understood by these "scientists" that all of us with IQs over 80 firmly believe that we, as individuals, are not case-hardened in our behaviors and reactions. That we believe that we are free from being conditioned is in fact our conditioning. This delusion of individuality is nothing more than a variable in the experiment: "buy a dodge or a ford pick-up" "vote for this or that candidate" "react to this or that world event." These are all variables to determine the success rate of the particular operant conditioning.
Those in the industry of modifying our behaviors count on our belief that we have "independent thoughts and actions." They rely on our pseudo independence because they know (it has been proven)we will not look past this glass ceiling of assumed individuality. We will not look at ourselves as we really are. If our conditioning were a machine, its engine would be our infinite capacity for self delusion.
If you study Operant Conditioning (our very own Matrix), there is an axiom bordering on scientific law that holds all of our conditioning together. What makes it all work is the fact that "the most difficult thing for any living thing with a brain to do is to UNDO their conditioning."
Our masters function under the assumption that our conditioning is analogous to a perpetual motion machine. Any psych department in the last century that received generous grants almost always referenced/couched B.F. Skinner's remarks about the purpose of Behaviorism: it is not sufficient to have people and societies perform duties and react predictably, no, the purpose of Behaviorism is to have them all as slaves and have them fight to the death to maintain their slavery. Where do you think old Dr. Joe Mengele got all of his ideas?
So, how in the world is it possible for anyone to break out of this Conditioning? Given that one regards the human condition as conditioned ... If we see ourselves as we really are -- just as in the Matrix movie -- we are asking for it. We see no coinage in the proposition of freeing our souls. Most of us don't even believe we have one.
Even though our conditioning has convinced us that we are not conditioned, that we are soulless, that money is everything, that God is to be feared and worshipped ... there are elements of consciousness that behavior modification and operant conditioning cannot touch.
Every great spiritual teacher -- whose words and actions always get substantially manipulated by the conditioners -- have all said the same things. The all say to study the Cause, not the effect. Science (distorted beyond belief) has us all watching only the effect. The Cause is irrelevant to them because they do not have the measuring devices to analyze the Cause. However one does it, get to know the Cause, leave the Matrix of Effect behind for someone else to bury.
Have a nice day.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
We Are All Insurgents

We have more in common with the occupied citizens of Iraq than we realize. In 1776, the American Colonies were occupied by the British Empire, who's hubris of invincibility lasted well into the Twentieth Century, basically until the Pound Sterling no longer occupied the position of the World's "Reserve Currency." The United States now, like the British Empire then, has had limited success in quelling sedition and self-determined revolution where the fields of battle are rooftops, backyards and bedrooms.
You could be commuting over the Delaware River every morning and you would miss the connection. Few of us associate the place with the historical event two-hundred plus years ago. Our entire warp and woof of "freedom" "independence" and "democracy" like a pebble in a pond, resonates out from an "insurgency" center. It appears that we have forgotten the essence of “the” American holiday of July Four. Who did what to whom and why is no longer part of the marketing strategy for that day.
General G. Washington, and his collection of insurgents ("rag-tags" they were called) paddled through the ice flows on a pre-dawn Delaware, to surprise the "private contractors" aka Hessians, fighting for an over-extended British occupying army. This bold insurgent act surprised the mercenaries, and they retreated.
Ask any mercenary, then or now, what is their prime motivation for fighting. It’s always money. Ask any rag-tag insurgent, then or now, what they are fighting for, and almost always the response is the same: they want to be left alone to determine their own fate, regardless of the outcome. If their world is going to go to hell, they want to be the responsible party, not some occupier.
Yes, history is written by the occupier, the “winner.” The obvious reason that history continues repeatedly to be written in the theme of war is that war does not work. It’s a great tool for wealth generation, but a lousy mechanism for expanding the evolutionary potential of the human race.
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