Yes, yes, it is ALWAYS about the money … OUR money by the way -- our Light the retardant energy has purloined and possessed since the chiming in of Time. Why are we so resistant to believing what EVERY avatar, saint and wise person has admonished our feeble brains and well-worn souls about? Why are we so afraid to call these “people” to task for stealing our Light?!
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Yes, we are all guilty of denying our true essence.
Genetically programmed we are, believing that we are as weak and as ineffectual as these usurpers continually remind us. Can you imagine a God-being, infilled with the vast unimaginable, so willingly joining-in and embracing our child-like awe and adoration of these various crime family figures who control our government and our lives?
Can you imagine God-beings framing arguments over appropriate torture techniques and choosing which of the lesser of evils is most appropriate? Can you hear the celestial orchestras tuning-up for a performance of these usurpers’ new mantra, "Let us do evil so that good may come!!" Yes, God Almighty, Let’s do evil so that good may come!!”
When we look at most of our political, religious and banking leaders, are we seeing public servants, or dons, hit-men, bagmen and numbers-runners? We have long ago tossed away our lying eyes to fend off the pangs of having to see our own dissonance. Of having to admit that we have placed our Light, and the Light of our grandchildren in the hands of these usurpers.
Yes, we should be as glib as Capt. Renaud -- "... shocked, I tell you, shocked that there's gambling going on here!" But fear is our mentor now, and the Light has gone out from us. And, as pointed out, how many times can we stomach seeing the same old BCCI crowd two-facing their way to yet another round of sucking the Light from our very marrow?
Back in the good ole days of Bush I, the system was working quite well for the Crime Families Extraordinaire (CFEs). For example, Bush I sent Saddam billions in U.S.-backed "agricultural credits" through BNL, an Italian bank tied up with BCCI -- the international "financial consortium" that was actually "one of the largest criminal enterprises in history," according to the U.S. Senate. As we all know, BCCI laundered money and financed arms dealing, terrorism, smuggling and prostitution, while corrupting government officials worldwide with bribes and extortion. Senator John Kerry, btw, led inquiries into the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), which broke open a tangled web that included organized crime, international terrorists, and members of both the Bush family and the Bin Laden family.
There are many (ad nausea) examples of the various international crime families utilizing the services of BCCI et al. A BCCI offshoot bank had bailed out one of Bush Junior's many business failures with $25 million in cash. That deal had been brokered by mysterious Arkansas tycoon Jackson Stephens, one of the Bush family's biggest campaign contributors. Curiously enough, Stephens was also a top money(bag)man for another leading politician: Bill Clinton. When Clinton took office, he obligingly deep-sixed the continuing probes into BCCI, Iraqgate and Iran-Contra.
So what's changed?! Not much. They CFEs (Crime Families Extraordinaire) unabashedly work both sides of the street (‘K’ St.). Only the store-fronts have changed. Meanwhile, while waiting for our next assignment from the Liars and the Lie, we Americans, anxiously await the hoped-for presidential candidate announcement from, perhaps a retired Professional Wrestler, or some other contemporary hero figure !! Arnold is on the outs. It’s NASCAR or Professional Wrestling as I see it. How 'bout the “Rock” for prez?!
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