‘The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast,
The first one now
Will later be last…”
Bob Dylan
From my perspective, it appears as if we are hyper-driving into an inevitable econ-endgame, that will manifest as the greatest diminishment and exchange of wealth the world has ever seen . . . And, simultaneously witnessing a real-time unification of unlikely bedfellows who are thumbing their collective noses at the Powers-That-Be, the beloved Establishment that has had its way with us for centuries.
This economic end-game is all about the “control” of commodities, the corralling and distribution of the world‘s natural resources, all with the same branding. It is not geopolitical in the “ideological” sense, like freedom vs. despotism, or capitalism vs. some other ism. No, this is not about conflicting isms. This is about micromanaging the Sanctuary of what is most holy to our culture -- our consumptive way of life and the massive debt that maintains it. But, like Richard in the hands of Saladin, are we to be saved only by the graciousness of our enemy?
What is ironically intriguing about this entire scenario is that the real enemy of (all) the People, collectively known as the NWO, are being legitimately threatened by an atheistic plutocracy (China) in cahoots with Islamic theocracies and Russian Rascals, while almost all of Western Christendom is busily scurrying to fill the Temple with as many money-changers as can be mustered.
The recent bravado of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (resurrecting that ol’ Persian flair of empire) making anti-Zionist statements like shots across the bow of Israel and the West, signals the players to the field. Iran does this with all the support and reserves they could possibly need (from China, Russia, Islamic World, etc.). President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently expressed doubt that the Holocaust occurred and suggested that Israel should be moved to Europe. Wars are started with such comments, but Ahmadinejad knows full well the West will do nothing to overtly counter his salvo.
So, how can the likes of the Iranians (who somehow managed to wheedle their way into our lexicon with the biblical Zoroaster Magi business) , backed by the Oriental anathema of Episcopalianism (i.e., China), and loaded to the hilt with Russian super-weapons, make a twit of difference in the NWO plan for world hegemony and a planet-wide Empire?
As powerful and entrenched as they could be, there is a distinct vulnerability in the NWO/PTB DeathStar. With their flair for utter distain, the elite always underestimates the great unwashed. Their hubristic masters-of-the-universe persona shields them from any self-doubt, but it is double-edged, setting them up to be blind-sided.
If you were China, what would you do to insure your future? You know that your real "enemy" is the NWO and, regrettably by proxy, the US, as it has become synonymous with the NWO Agenda. How do you turn a world-power into a sub-power, and at the same time eliminate your true enemy, and roll-in a bit of revenge-resolve for the pangs of having your culture opiated?
The USA (and to a lesser degree the Brits) are the "mechanics" who do the bidding of the NWO Dons. China and the Islamic World want no part of the NWO. They are well aware of the necessity of preventing its degenerative philosophies into their cultures.
America's prosperity/economy is Debt (A = C)
Excluding the various FED flimflams, China and Japan (and to a lesser extent the oil providers) control our Debt (B = C)
Therefore, China and Japan control America's future economy (B = A).
To extract themselves from this equation, and to do so without losing their shirts internally, China and its allies (including Japan) are in the process of doing what the NWO crime families have always done. They don't need fleets of tankers and elaborate wars to initiate this. By putting-up their present and future requirements for crude, China has helped capitalize the "setting up" of the 1st successful Commodity Market (Bourse) outside of the dollar-based markets. This is a coup extraordinaire for these American Debt Holders. This plan places China and its allies outside the NWO sphere of influence, not to be burdened with the any threat of protection “vig” demanded by the PTB.
Through our massive debt and psychopathic consumption, America has directly funded this New World power. The major commodity that America has offered the world is debt -debt based upon its demographic ability to consume commodities. Americans are addicted to over-consumption, and hence actuarially guaranteeing the consumption of the world's premier commodity, crude oil. Movements in the price of crude always initiate the movement in all the other commodities, even the Derivative Markets make predictive assumptions based upon some underlying asset; and the king and queen of assets is crude, black gold.
China and Japan hold major positions in America's premier commodity, i.e., Federal Debt. For China and Japan to currently maintain their pro-forma, they will play along with the NWO / FED's game of hiding the money (as opposed to "... showing us the money...") UNTIL it no longer serves their purpose.
Our creditors, not OPEC, or some debtor nation (such as ourselves) will decide when the price of Crude will no longer be pegged to the dollar. At some point in the near future, Americans' ability to wantonly consume the basic underlying commodity (crude oil), will no longer have any strategic importance. The USD (and the consumptive economy we have all grown to love) will go the way of the Pound ... But this time there may will be a hell of a price to pay.
Americans, and most of the West are now being faced with new competitors for copious consumption. China, India, Brazil and South America (via Chavez) and the other pejorative third world countries are going to be driving, not walking or horse-carting their way into their futures. And, this process has already started. And short of annihilating billions of people via WWIII, this cannot be stopped.
In the Winter of 2006 -- barring an Israeli attacked -- the world will be able to purchase Crude Oil contracts in a currency other than the Dollar. We will get to witness an historical change, like the Continental Divide we will see the flow going down the other direction.
What will be the parity ratio with the Euro-based Iranian Bourse? Can I bring my USDs to Iran, and get a market exchange value on the Euro-reserved crude oil contracts? In my simplistic perspective, when China and Japan are legitimately exchanging their present and future USDs for crude oil without being penalized with devaluations, premiums, etc., we will have a new ball game. It is in fact this theocratic government in the Middle East that portends the success of the Chinese-Arab/Islamic global dominance.
Then, as all true believers do, they may well drive the USD out of business. Subsequently, with the objective of creating a gold backed Oil Currency (stuffed and folded neatly in China’s currency basket), we can then toss the Euro in the back seat as well . . .
Get your Dinars while they’re cheap …
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